Why? Give credit to wealthy parents. They know the odds of succeeding in business. They understand that most businesses are highly susceptible to competition, counter consumer trends, high overhead, and other uncontrollable variables. Continue reading SELF-EMPLOYED PROFESSIONALS VERSUS OTHER BUSINESS OWNERS

Finding Flow in Everything You Do (Ikigai)

You are entirely focused on skiing as well as you can. You know exactly how to move at each moment. There is no future, no past. There is only the present. You feel the snow, your skis, your body, and your consciousness united as a single entity. Continue reading Finding Flow in Everything You Do (Ikigai)

How to Increase Oxygen Level in Human Body

Poor circulation can be caused by a number of things: sitting all day at a desk, high cholesterol, blood pressure issues, and even diabetes. It can also manifest in many ways, including: Continue reading How to Increase Oxygen Level in Human Body

The Seven Stages and Accompanying?

Awareness: Before you can tell your life what you want to do with it, you must listen to what it wants to do with you.
Profession: Failure is your best friend. Don’t push through obstacles; pivot around them. Let every mistake and rejection teach you something. Before a season of season of success, there often comes a season of failure.
Legacy: Your calling is not just what you do; it’s the person you become—and the legacy you leave.
Continue reading The Seven Stages and Accompanying?

How to Know What Your Soul Wants?

A lot of people in the motivational and psychological professions recommend affirmations. You choose a sentence to say, such as, “Every day in every way I’m getting better and better,” and repeat it whether or not you think it’s true. While affirmations are a good first step to re-programming, I prefer conversations. Conversations work faster. Continue reading How to Know What Your Soul Wants?